Monday, June 4, 2007

Intro to me.

I sat here staring at the screen for quite a while trying to sift through my thoughts for my first post on my new, fancy blog. I figured, why not introduce myself? But, therein lies the problem. What constitutes a great introduction? Do you care to know that I am 21 years old, that I am a third year college student majoring in International Affairs, or do you care to know that I love it when it's warm out with a cool breeze, and love it when the sun shines through the rain?

I'm a fairly quiet person, I really am, but I can be quite opinionated when it comes to world topics. Generally I sit at home and laze around with my husband, but once in a while I hear something that just makes my blood boil.

I can not, I repeat, can not stand watching the national news here in the US. I really do want to hear about the latest happenings around the world, but what I am not interested in is celebrity gossip, the latest fashion designs, or the latest stupid thing the President has said. I want to hear REAL news. I want to hear about what is really going on in Iraq, I want to hear about Andrew Speaker putting others in danger with his XDR-TB, I want to hear about Madeleine McCann, the British 4-year old abducted from Portugal. Give me news that is unbiased, news that affects real people.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Al Gore ate a hole in the ozone layer thus inventing global warming.
